Welcome to PARROT

PARROT, which stands for Platform for ARtificial intelligence guided Radiation Oncology Treatment, is a user-friendly, free, and open-source web platform. It allows users to visualize DICOM files, run AI models, display and evaluate predictions easily. The platform includes several trained state-of-the-art dose prediction and contour segmentation models. Users can also add their own models using the embedded code editor.

The app consists of a frontend built in React JavaScript, including the graphical interface with a DICOM viewer, a selection panel of AI models, an editor of contours predictions, and evaluation tools. The backend is built with Flask to handle the predictions of AI models.

PARROT allows you to:

State-of-the-art models

Run state-of-the-art AI models

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Visualize contours segmented with AI on CT and MR images

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Compare uploaded and/or predicted dose distributions

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Correct contours predicted by AI model

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Full DICOM to DICOM workflow

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Local web application to ensure patient data privacy

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Run your own AI models

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Clinical evaluation tools: NTCP, DVH curves, clinical objectives, dose statistics